The date is approaching fast make sure you have a plan to vote.
Hello Friends! I am Monica Sparks and my goal as your Kent County Commissioner is to assist in setting policy, legislative oversite and constituent services. I want you to know that for me, making those decisions is not about power, but about providing a service to the citizens of Kent County, as a servant leader. I am asking for your vote to continue serving to make sure you have a high quality of life and access to opportunities as a resident of Kent County.
With so many budget cuts the residents of Kent County do not deserve to be abandoned but protected and offered the services that help them live productive and healthy lifestyles. I have faithfully served 2 terms as your Kent County Commissioner. As a past Planning Commissioner and former Zoning Board of Appeals Commissioner, I am a proven servant leader that will advocate for the services that effect:
Monica Sparks is a representative that will advocate for the needs of our community, she is a “Commissioner You Can Count On!”
Copyright © 2030 Monica Sparks - All Rights Reserved.